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led音标[led] 汉语翻译lead的过去式和过去分词 【计】 发光二极管 英语解释:名词 led:- diode such that light emitted at a p-n junction is proportional to the bias current; color depends on the material used
同义词:light-emitting diode
动词 lead:- take somebody somewhere
同义词:lead, take, direct, conduct, guide - have as a result or residue
同义词:leave, result, lead - tend to or result in
同义词:lead - travel in front of; go in advance of others
同义词:lead, head - cause to undertake a certain action
同义词:lead - stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point
同义词:run, go, pass, lead, extend - be in charge of
同义词:head, lead - be ahead of others; be the first
同义词:lead, top - be conducive to
同义词:contribute, lead, conduce - lead, as in the performance of a composition
同义词:conduct, lead, direct - pass or spend
同义词:lead - lead, extend, or afford access
同义词:go, lead - move ahead (of others) in time or space
同义词:precede, lead - cause something to pass or lead somewhere
同义词:run, lead - preside over
同义词:moderate, chair, lead
例句:- His rashness led ultimately to his ruin.
他的急燥卤莽最终导致了他的毁灭。 - They led a holy life.
他们过着圣洁的生活。 - He led Mary to the altar yesterday.
他昨天和玛丽结婚了。 - Greed led to his downfall.
他因贪得无厌而导致身败名裂。 - These events led to the declaration of war.
这些事件导致了宣战。 - The guide led us to the river.
向导带领我们到河边。 - British politician who served as prime minister(1770-1782) under George III and instituted policies that led to the rebellion of the American colonies.
诺思爵士,托马斯1535?-1601?英国翻译家,他的关于蒲鲁特克著作的版本被用作许多莎士比亚戏剧的来源 - British theologian who led the Oxford movement after John Henry Newman's conversion to Roman Catholicism(1845).
详细解释:led v.(动词)Past tense and past participle of lead lead的过去式和过去分词 |