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warming up 汉语翻译【化】 暖机; 暖管 英语解释:动词 warm up:- run until the normal working temperature is reached
同义词:warm up - become more friendly or open
同义词:warm up - get warm or warmer
同义词:warm, warm up - cause to do preliminary exercises so as to stretch the muscles
同义词:warm up - make one's body limber or suppler by stretching, as if to prepare for strenuous physical activity
同义词:limber up, warm up, loosen up
例句:- The German coach has one of his substitutes warming up on the touch-line now.
德国教练现在正让一个替换队员在边线旁做准备活动。 - My car is nuisance in the winter; the engine only runs in fits and starts until it has really warmed up.
我的汽车在冬天真讨厌,引警在真正预热起来前只能转转停停。 - The singers are warming up before the concert.
歌唱家们正在为开音乐会作准备。 - A transistorize radio takes no time to warm up.