单词 | demote |
释义 | demote音标[,di:'m?ut]汉语翻译vt. 使降级, 使降职词型变化:名词:demotion 动词过去式:demoted 过去分词:demoted 现在分词:demoting 第三人称单数:demotes英语解释:动词 demote:
详细解释:de.mote v.tr.(及物动词)de.mot.ed,de.mot.ing,de.motes To reduce in grade, rank, or status.降级:降低等级、级别或地位 来源:de- de-(pro)mote (pro)mote 【引伸】 demo.tion n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>demote,break,bust,degrade,downgrade,reduce同义词>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to lower in grade, rank, or status.: 这些动词共有的一个中心意义是.降低等级、级别或地位.: 例句:was demoted from captain to lieutenant;统领降为副手; 例句:a noncommissioned officer broken to the ranks;一个被降级衔但还未受任命的军官; 例句:a detective who was busted to uniformed traffic patrol for insubordination;因不服从命令而被降级到穿统一制服的交通巡逻队的侦探; 例句:a supervisor degraded to an assistant;被降为侍者的管理人员; 例句:a popular author downgraded by critical opinion to a genre writer;因批评性言论被降为专题作者的知名作家; 例句:a captain who was reduced from command of a battleship to administrative duty ashore. promote 从战舰的指挥官降到行政职务的船长 promote 参考词汇> |
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