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inflated音标[in'fleitid] 汉语翻译a. 膨胀的, 充了气的, 夸张的, 通货膨胀的 相关词组: be inflated with pride 英语解释:动词 inflate:- fill with gas or air
同义词:inflate, blow up - exaggerate or make bigger
同义词:inflate, blow up, expand, amplify - cause prices to rise by increasing the available currency or credit
同义词:inflate - increase the amount or availability of, creating a rise in value
同义词:inflate - become inflated
同义词:balloon, inflate, billow
形容词 inflated:- enlarged beyond truth or reasonableness
同义词:exaggerated, hyperbolic - expanded by (or as if by) gas or air
- pretentious (especially with regard to language or ideals)
同义词:high-flown, high-sounding - increased especially to abnormal levels
例句:- Excessive preoccupation with one's own well-being and interests, usually accompanied by an inflated sense of self-importance.
利己主义对自己的安乐和利益过分的关注,通常伴随着极度的妄自尊大感 - An inflated estimate; an inflated ego.
夸大的估计; 得意自满的自我 - With a supply of compressed air the large balloon inflated in a matter of seconds.
详细解释:in.flat.ed adj.(形容词)Filled or expanded by or as if by gas or air.充了气的:用或好象用空气或其他气体填充或扩大的Unduly enlarged or aggrandized; swollen:夸大不实的:过分地扩大或夸张;夸张的:例句:an inflated estimate; an inflated ego.夸大的估计;得意自满的自我 Full of empty or pretentious language; bombastic.言过其实的:充满空洞或虚假的语言;吹牛的Raised or expanded to abnormal levels:恶性膨胀的,飞涨的:被提高或扩大到不正常的程度:例句:an inflated economy; inflated wages.膨胀过热的经济;过高的工资 Hollow and enlarged:空心而张大的:空的和扩大了的:例句:an inflated calyx.中空的花萼 |