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teasing 汉语翻译【医】 针拨开法 英语解释:名词 teasing:- the act of harassing someone playfully or maliciously (especially by ridicule); provoking someone with persistent annoyances
同义词:tease, ribbing, tantalization - playful vexation
- the act of removing tangles from you hair with a comb
动词 tease:- annoy persistently
同义词:tease, badger, pester, bug, beleaguer - harass with persistent criticism or carping
同义词:tease, razz, rag, cod, tantalize, tantalise, bait, taunt, twit, rally, ride - to arouse hope, desire, or curiosity without satisfying them
同义词:tease - tear into pieces
同义词:tease - raise the nap of (fabrics)
同义词:tease - disentangle and raise the fibers of
同义词:tease, tease apart, loosen - separate the fibers of
同义词:tease, card - mock or make fun of playfully
同义词:tease - ruffle (one's hair) by combing towards the ends towards the scalp, for a full effect
同义词:tease, fluff
形容词 teasing:- playfully vexing (especially by ridicule)- Lawrence Durrell
同义词:mocking, quizzical - arousing sexual desire without intending to satisfy it
- causing irritation or annoyance
同义词:annoying, bothersome, galling, irritating, nettlesome, pesky, pestering, pestiferous, plaguy, plaguey, vexatious, vexing
例句:- All your teasing of poor Michael is getting beyond a joke.
你拿可怜的迈克尔打趣可要出圈儿了。 - Don't take what she said seriously she was only teasing.
别拿她的话当真--她不过是逗弄人。 - Stop teasing her, you little fiend!
别捉弄她了,你这个小淘气鬼! - Don't take it seriously - he's only teasing.
别把它当真,他只不过是在开玩笑。 - The boy's teasing gets Dick going.
孩子们的戏弄激怒了迪克。 - He delights in teasing his younger sister.