- 是不是儿童都喜欢破坏?
Are all small children so destructive?
- 我们在为贫困儿童募捐。
We are collecting money for children in need.
- 这些规定仅适用于儿童。
This regulation refers only to children.
- 这本书简单易懂,适合儿童。
The simplicity of the book makes it suitable for children.
- 大多数人痛恨虐待儿童。
Most people abhor cruelty to children.
- 我给我儿子买了为儿童改编的莎士比亚剧本。
I bought my son an adaptation for children of a play by Shakespeare.
- 那个男孩很喜欢看那本儿童百科全书。
The boy likes to read the children's encyclopaedia.
- 十二岁以下的儿童不得入内。
Children under 12 will not be admitted.