church; ecclesia; ecclesiastic; kirk
1.kirk 2.meetinghouse 3.teaching 4.ecclesiastic 5.ecclesia 6.Quakermeeting 7.ecclesiae 8.thechurch 9.church 10.communion
- 我家属低教会派。
My family is Low Church.
- 帮助人们生活得好些是教会的责任。
It's the job of the church to help people lead better lives.
- 他一生都是教会的热心支持者。
He has been a pillar of the Church all his life.
- 这位牧师把他的一生都献给了教会。
The parson has devoted his whole life to the church.
- 那人被驱逐出基督教会。
The man was excommunicated from the Christian Church.
- 教会不会批准国王第二次结婚。
The church would not sanction the king's second marriage.
- 教会总是乐意欢迎忏悔的罪人回到信徒的行列中来。
The church is always willing to welcome repentant sinners back to the fold.
- 教会应当就基本道德问题多做出些榜样。
The Church should give more of a lead on basic moral issues.
instruct; religion; teach; tutor
occasion; a moment; assemble; be skilful in; be sure to; meeting; society
【法】 meet