buckra; honky; ofay; paleface
1.haole 2.honky 3.honkie 4.paleface 5.ofay 6.white 7.whiteman 8.buckra 9.paleface 10.whitey 11.ofaginzy 12.mzungu 13.MisterCharley 14.honkey
- 哈里逊又促使立法规定外国移民所开商号悬挂英语招牌。此举令亚裔商人异常愤怒,但深为长久居住此间的白人所喜。
Harrison also has promoted legislation to require immigrant businesses to post signs in English, which infuriated Asian business people but played well among longtime white residents.
- 阿卡迪亚人居住在阿拉巴马南部和密西西比东南部的一个民族,混有白人、黑人和印第安人的血统
A member of a group living in southern Alabama and southeast Mississippi, of mixed white, Black, and Native American ancestry.
- 他被白人老板毫无理由地解雇了。
He was booted out without any reason by the white boss.
- 尽管已被十个白人和两个黑人组成的陪审团所定罪,该案出乎很多人预料。的确,在陪审员裁决以后,两名陪审员说检方过于前后矛盾,难令人相信。
For all the condemnation of the jury of10 whites and2 blacks, the case was not as cut-and-dried as many people seem to believe it was. Indeed, after the verdict, two jurors said the prosecution's case had simply been to inconsistent to believe.
clear; free of charge; in vain; pure; white; whiteness
【化】 leuco-; leuko-
【医】 albo-; leuco-; leuk-; leuko-
human; fellow; human being; individual; man; people; person; soul
【医】 anthropo-; homme; man