few; scant; tasteless; widowed
【建】 oligopeptide
- 那寡妇和孩子们一贫如洗。
The widow and children are very poorly off.
- 她年轻时就成了寡妇。
She was widowed at an early age.
- 她守寡十年了。
She has been a widow for ten years.
- `黑寡妇'马下一场比赛赢定了。
Black Widow is a (dead) cert for (ie is sure to win) the next race.
- 他身後留下一个寡妇和两个孩子。
He leaves a widow and two children.
- 那位守寡的母亲尽全力让儿子念大学。
The widowed mother exerted herself to the utmost to send her son to college.
- 我们同情这个可怜的寡妇。
We had compassion for the poor widow.
- 那个寡妇是个善良的人。
That widow is a kind person.