- 那位作家拒绝和他们的出版社进一步商讨。
The writer refused to make further negotiations with their publisher.
- 我们的目标是进一步加强贸易关系。
Our object is to further cement trade relations.
- 这些情况不利于公司的进一步发展。
The circumstances were not propitious for further expansion of the company.
- 最近将发布进一步削减政府开支的公告。
An announcement of further cuts in government expenditure is imminent.
- 她的日记中没有进一步提到他。
There is no further reference to him in her diary.
- 要进一步了解情况,请与本地代理商联系。
For further information, contact your local agent.
- 他们正在做进一步的努力来减少军费开支。
They are making further efforts to decrease military spending.