bilk; go back on one's word; hold on in a place; poor; reply
1.bilk 2.depend
- 她是个可以信赖的人。
She's a woman who can be depended on.
- 现今人们越来越依赖计算机协助工作。
Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us.
- 他越来越依赖她了。
He grew increasingly to rely on her.
- 老年人可以找自己的朋友而不会在情感上太依赖他们的子女。
Older people may seek their own friends rather than become too emotionally dependent on their children.
- 他们依赖公众的赈济。
They are dependent on public charity.
- 他是我可以信赖的那一种人。
He is a man on whom I can rely.
- 找个工作,别再依赖你的父母了。
Find a job and end your dependence on your parents.
- 小孩依赖他们的父母供给衣食。
Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.