urgent; annoyed; anxious; impatient; irritated; rapid
1.steplively 2.rapidness 3.emergency 4.urgency 5.fast 6.rapid
- 他的病让我急死了。
I'm worried sick by his illness.
- 别着急,安心养病。
Just take care of yourself and don't worry.
- 他们跌进了汹涌的急流中。
They fell into the seething waters of the rapids.
- 情况紧急时请按铃。
Ring the bell in an emergency.
- 骚乱恶化,政府只得宣布进入紧急状态。
The rioting grew worse and the government declared a state of emergency.
- 这家百货公司有四个紧急出口。
There are four emergency exits in the department store.
- 人们被召集到这里举行紧急会议。
People were convened here for an emergency meeting.
- 我有急事,请长话短说。
Please be brief because I am in a hurry.