know; understand
1.know 2.understand 3.(get)haveanidea(of) 4.getit
- 当军官的应懂得怎样统率士兵
An officer must know how to handle his men.
- 我不太懂得瓷器,估计不出这些盘子的价钱。
I don't know enough about porcelain to be able to price these plates.
- 想要懂得今天,就必须研究昨天。
If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.
- 他应该懂得法律。
He is supposed to know the law.
- 我只懂得一点法语。
I have only a limited understanding of French.
- 他不是一个好的老师---他不懂得如何对待孩子。
He's not a very good teacher---he doesn't know how to handle children.
- 在我们学校几乎没有人懂得丹麦语。
Few people know Danish in our school.
- 她认为自己懂得什么是生活。
She esteemed that she knew what life was.
gain; get; need; obtain; fit; ready for