- 他躺在沙发上看电视。
He was lying on the sofa watching TV.
- 尸体躺在血泊中。
The body was lying in a pool of blood.
- 在这张画像中画著他躺在沙发上。
In the portrait he is shown lying on a sofa.
- 医生费了好大劲才劝他躺了下来。
The doctors were having a hard time persuading him to lie down.
- 躺在草坪上比坐在办公室里舒服。
It is more comfortable to lie on a lawn than (to) sit in the office.
- 汤姆躺在下铺。
Tom was lying on the lower bunk.
- 这个小男孩躺在牛车上睡着了。
The little boy lied on the bullock cart sleeping.
- 我躺在又硬又冷的地上很不舒服。
I am very uncomfortable lying on this hard, cold floor.