abuse; blackguard; revile; setdown; slang; taunt; vituperation
【法】 belabor; vituperate; vituperation
1.cheapgibe 2.picong 3.revilement 4.dishsomethingout 5.blaspheme 6.vituperate 7.blasphemer 8.quarrel 9.snash 10.belabour 11.obloquy 12.bemean 13.vilify
- 当时他正遭到过去一度支持过他的人们的唾弃和辱骂。
He was being spat at and reviled by the people who had once supported him.
- 他见到我就连声辱骂。
He greeted me with a stream of abuse.
- 我杀了他 ... ?em>杪钗?... 他用下流的话骂你 ... 为了你,也为了我自己,我才这么做 ... 我突然想起来我这样做就能重新得到你。
I have killed him ... he taunted me ... he called you by a foul name ... I owed it to you and I owed it to myself ... It came to me as a shining light that I should get you back in that way.
- 那是一个非常好的聚会,美中不足的是,主人喝醉了,并开始辱骂每一个人。
It was a very good party. The only fly in the ointment was that the host got drunk and started abusing everybody!
abuse; condemn; curse; let fly at; reprove; scold