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单词 usury造句


1、These recommendations go far beyond the stale usury debates.
这些建议超出了陈腐的 * 讨论。

2、We need to reinstate a national usury law for consumer interest.
出于维护消费者的利益,我们必需重新修订 * 的国家法律。

3、The interest of usury is unfairly high.
* 的利息惊人得高。

4、Usury laws were upheld on traditional moralistic grounds of alleged "sterility" of money.
他们站在传统的道德立场上支持针对所谓的“无生产力”货币的反 * 法。

5、Usury is interest in excess of a legal rate.
* 是指超过法定利率取息。

6、However, Luther made no concessions to usury and persisted in traditional viewpoint.
但是,对于 * ,路德并未做出妥协,仍然坚持传统观点。

7、This is absurd usury and should be illegal as it is not helping anyone except the lender.

8、He said the bill fails to address usury issues.
他说,这项法案没有解决 * 问题。

9、Usury is interest in excess of a legal rate
* 是指超过法定利率取息。

10、He used to practise usury frequently.
他过去经常放 * 。

11、"Wotuo money" is a kind of usury described in Zaju of Yuan Dynasty.
摘要斡脱钱就是指元代的 * 。

12、The bug that was creating the melee weapon usury instead of the range weapon has been fixed.

13、Now the interest of usury is moving up to $3,000.
现在 * 的利息已经达到$3,000.

14、"Wotuo money" is a kind of usury described in Zaju of Yuan Dynasty
摘要斡脱钱就是指元代的 * 。

15、What about the laws against usury during the Middle Ages?
中世纪时,法律禁止放 * 是怎么回事?。

16、Usury is condemned as payment for the use of money which has no use value.
* 是受到遗责的,因为那是对使用货币的支付,而货币本身是没有使用价值的。

17、Usury laws only makethings worse, and injure free and productive credit.
反 * 法只会让事情更为恶化,还损害了自由和有益的贷款。


n. * 【经】 * , 高利




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