单词 | eight造句 |
例句 | eight造句1、Most plants will root in about six to eight weeks. 2、No other canker sore treatment products protect so thoroughly for eight hours. 3、Eight prism aluminum alloyed metal series exhibition equipment. 4、The family of eight was living in straitened circumstances. 5、The Photosynthesis and Water Use Efficiency of Eight Garden Tree Species 6、My new job has got me behind the eight ball. 7、Prosthodontics is one of the eight dental specialties recognized by the ADA. 8、Now turn the 8 on it’s side. Now trace the figure of eight with your eyes, slowly. 9、Can you work eight hours at a stretch 10、Some insects produce seven or eight broods a year 11、Figure 2: Eight lines of Perl code. 12、VERTEX_POSITIONS defines eight vertices in the same order, as shown in Figure 1a. 13、Her last access event was about eight minutes ago... At Pod Three. 14、And Arsenal may be missing eight players today. 15、Government officials in eight other counties also staged incinerations. 16、I buy eight different ticket, but they all look the same. 17、I leave the house a eight a m each day 18、All eight Great Lakes states must approve the plan. 19、After eight weeks of travelling we all just want a clean bed and some rest. It has been exhausting. 20、Babies of eight to twelve months are generally highly imitative. 21、The most prevalent, Group M, has eight geographically distinct subtypes. 22、By the end, Anu got pregnant eight times. She gave birth to four daughters and had four abortions. 23、Dean tricked the old lady into giving him eight hundred dollars. 24、She had a feeling Leonard had set up this exchange, like a chess player thinking eight moves ahead. 25、The next eight bits are the exponent and can hold a value from -125 to + 127. 26、She studied eight foreign languages but is fluent in only six of them. 27、Eight are on duty. 28、This tree is supposed to have been here for eight hundred years. 29、It is sold to the public at eight cents a litre. 30、EIGHT years ago Apple launched iTunes, a digital store selling music singles for 99 cents apiece. eight翻译num. 八, 八个 |
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