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单词 casino造句


1、Neither casino is advertised anywhere in Singapore.
新加坡市内也找不到任何 * 的广告。

2、The Casino Poker Table example.
关于 * 中扑克牌桌的示例。

3、A casino is being built nearby to capitalize on this spiritual bounty
邻近的地区将要建造一座 * ,希望能够善加利用波布的庇。

4、Vegas can be a hard sell to people who have the stereotypical casino view of it.
维加斯城对于脑中只有 * 的刻板印象的人来说,很难作为卖点。

5、Why didn't you have the curiosity to go to the casino yourself?
为什么你没有好奇心自己去 * 呢?

6、En Madrid casino nieva.

7、Michael Corleone: Your casino loses money. Maybe we can do better.
你的 * 在赔钱,也许我们能经营好一点。

8、a business establishment that combines a casino and a hotel

9、There was a fellow in that casino tonight who's a very heavy gambler.
今晚那家 * 有个家伙是个嗜赌成性的赌棍。

10、Failing to do so is like going into a casino and gambling on a game you do not know.
不这么做的话,简直就是到 * 里面去玩一个你压根不会玩的游戏。

11、a form of casino in which face cards have extra point values.

12、Most casino work is not physically strenuous.
大部分的 * 工作不需要紧张劳动。

13、Well I have decided that I am done with every RTG casino except for Cherry Red.
那么我已决定,我每除了樱桃红发电机 * 进行。

14、He had never gambled before the casino cent him a coupon for $20 worth of gambling.
在 * 给他发了一张价值20美元的 * 优惠券之前,他从未 * 过。

15、Eva Green as Vesper Lynd, Casino Royale, 2006.
伊娃·格林的晚祷林德,“ * 风云皇家”,2006。

16、Vegas is incredible. There's a casino in every hotel. -oh, yeah? -and the people are so nice.
维加斯太棒了。这里每家酒店都有 * 。-哦,是么?-而且这里的人很友善。

17、A casino is being built nearby to capitalize on this spiritual bounty.
邻近的地区将要建造一座 * ,希望能够善加利用波布的庇?。

18、We are all set to go to the casino in Macao.
我们都已准备好要去澳门 * 。

19、The event is hosted by the Seminole Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, FL.
这项活动是所设的塞米诺尔硬岩 * 在好莱坞,佛罗里达州。

20、scover how to xodtap win casino pots with the power of your mind!
发现如何赢得 * 盆与电力你的心!

21、That is why yesterday’s casino attack presents three worries.
因此,从昨天的 * 袭击事件中,我们可以看出三重忧虑。

22、a form of casino in which spades have the value of one point.

23、I swept the board at the casino yesterday.
昨天我在 * 全盘皆赢。

24、The casino is a haven for unsavory characters who seek to corrupt him to their way of life.
* 是一个出亡所,臭名昭著的人物谁寻求粉碎他本身的糊口编制。

25、I'm going to the casino and will shoot the works on CARDS.
我将去 * ,在纸牌上孤注一掷。

26、Steve Wynn, multi-billionaire casino magnate.
史蒂夫韦恩,亿万富翁 * 大亨。

27、Actually, it was one of the less confusing casino layouts in town.
事实上,它是城里几间布局比较不混乱的 * 之一。


n. 卡西诺 * , 卡西诺牌戏




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