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单词 vitamin b造句

vitamin b造句

1、Vitamin B and C could tone up resistance.<br>维生素B和C可以增强人的抵抗力。

2、Vitamin B assists in red-blood-cell regeneration.<br>维生素B有助于红细胞的再生。

3、Some vitamin B and C will build up your resistance<br>吃些维他命B和C能增强你的抵抗力。

4、Vitamin B lets you drain your body of toxins<br>维他命B可以排除你体内的毒素。

5、These vitamin B and C are to build up your resistance.<br>这些维生素B和C用于增强你的抵抗力。

6、These vitamin B and vitamin C are for the building up of your immunity.<br>这些维生素B和维生素C是给你增强抵抗力的。

7、Vitamin B lets you drain your body of toxins.<br>维他命B可以排除你体内的毒素。

8、Thiamine Organic compound, part of the vitamin B complex, necessary in carBohydrate metaBolism.<br>硫胺素(亦称维生素b1):有机化合物,维生素B复合体的一种,为日常饮食所必需。

9、an optically inactive alcohol that is a component of the vitamin B complex<br>一种光学上非活性醇,是维生素B复合体的一种成分。

10、The fifth form of vitamin B is also manufactured in the crystalline genetic blueprint.<br>第五种维生素B也在水晶基因蓝图内制造。

11、Objective:To study King to nin jiom pei pa koa and Vitamin B complex treat chronic pharyngitis.<br>目的:中成药川贝枇杷膏加复合维生素B治疗慢性咽炎疗效观察。

12、Eat vitamin B and C can boost up our resistancy<br>维生素B和C可以增强人的抵抗力。

13、Prof Smith said it was still early to say exactly how vitamin B worked.<br>史密斯教授说,说出维生素b确切如何起作用,目前还为时尚早。

14、These vitamin B and C are to build up your resistance<br>这些维生素B和C用于增强你的抵抗力。

15、Vitamin B and C help to build up one's resistance.<br>维生素B和C可以增强人的抵抗力。

16、These vitamin B and C pills are to build up your resistance.<br>这些维生素B和C药片是给你增强抵抗力的。

17、These vitamin B and vitamin C are for the building up of your immunity<br>这些维生素B和维生素C是给你增强抵抗力的。

18、Lack of vitamin B can cause a lot of diseases<br>缺少维生素B能导致很多疾病。

19、These vitamin B and C pills are to build up your resistance<br>这些维生素B和C药片是给你增强抵抗力的。

20、an optically inactive alcohol that is a component of the vitamin B complex.<br>一种光学上非活性醇,是维生素B复合体的一种成分。

21、Folic Acid, also known as Vitamin B9, is one of the Vitamin B complex.<br>叶酸,也被称为维生素b9,是维生素B群之一。

22、Vitamin B and C could tone up resistance<br>维生素B和C可以增强人的抵抗力。





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