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单词 double-edged造句


1、The imagination is a double-edged sword.
我们的想象力就是这样一把 * 剑。

2、Workplace friendships are like a double-edged sword
职场友谊就像一把 * 剑。

3、Relatives and close friends can be a double-edged sword, Mr Shoebridge says.
亲属和亲密的朋友可能是一把 * 剑,肖布里奇先生说。

4、The double-edged lies needed to be sustain a double-edged life

5、Combat troops with a double-edged mission

6、As you'll learn in this series, Shale's departure from Struts is a double-edged sword.
在这个由五部分组成的系列中,您将了解到,Shale与Struts的背离是一柄 * 剑。

7、Let us look at an idiom: kill two birds with double-edged sword.

8、Equity prices did rebound last year but that was a double-edged sword.
股票价格去年出现反弹,但那是 * 剑。

9、a knife with a double-edged blade for hand-to-hand fighting
一种具有 * 的用于徒手战斗的刀。

10、Objects are a double-edged sword.
对象是把 * 剑。

11、"Memory is a double-edged sword," Hills says.
“记忆力是把 * 剑,”希尔斯说。

12、The Adjustable Double-edged Scalpel in Mastectomy of Breast Cancer
可调式 * 刀在乳腺癌手术中的应用

13、But more scrutiny can be a double-edged sword.
但是更多的关注也是一把 * 剑。

14、A large, double-edged broadsword formerly used by Scottish Highlanders
* 大阔刀苏格兰高地人最初使用的 * 大阔刀

15、But this heavy dependence on computers is a double-edged sword.

16、Security mechanisms can be a double-edged sword.
安全机制是一把 * 剑。

17、A Malayan dagger with a wavy double-edged blade
波状刃短剑一种有波浪形 * 的马来短剑

18、a long double-edged knife used for amputations

19、Workplace friendships are like a double-edged sword.
职场友谊就像一把 * 剑。

20、But this heavy dependence on computers is a double-edged sword

21、May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands

22、Alcohol is a double-edged sword.
酒是一把 * 剑。

23、He enjoys that double-edged accolade of being a "friend of China".

24、a knife with a double-edged blade for hand-to-hand fighting.
一种具有 * 的用于徒手战斗的刀。

25、Sennhauser notes, however, that this is a double-edged sword.
Sennhauser指出,这其实是一把 * 剑。

26、A double-edged blade
一个 * 刀片

27、Being famous is a double-edged sword.
出名是把 * 剑。

28、This new freedom is a double-edged sword, however.
然而,语言选择的自由是把 * 剑。

29、For cancer, out-of-pocket payment is a double-edged sword.
就癌症而言,自费支付费用是一把 * 剑。

30、This is why dealing with obsolete electronics is very much a double-edged sword.
这就是为什么处理过时的电子设备是一把 * 剑。


a. * 的, 两可的, 意义双关的, 双重目的的




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