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单词 Muslim造句


1、Sultan is sovereign ruler of certain Muslim countries.
苏丹是某些 * 国家的最高统治者。

2、the ruler of a Muslim country (especially of the former Ottoman Empire)
* 国家的统治者。

3、Some believe the explosions were the work of Muslim separatists.
一些人认为 * 是 * 分裂分子所为。

4、(historically) a Muslim who opposed the crusades
(历史上的)反对宗教战争的 * 。

5、the civil and religious leader of a Muslim state; a successor of Muhammad.
信仰 * 教的国家的国家和宗教的领袖; * 的继承者。

6、And he was more or less a practising Muslim throughout his life.
而他差不多一生都是个信奉 * 的人。

7、The Muslim delegation is shortly going on a pilgrimage to Mecca
这个 * 代表团很快就要去麦加朝圣了。

8、a member of a Muslim Turkic people of W Asia (especially in Kazakstan)
西亚(尤其是在哈萨克)的 * 土尔其语系民族的人。

9、The Communalism of Muslim Elite in Indian Bengal
论殖民地印度孟加拉省 * 精英的教派主义化

10、a jurist who interprets Muslim law
解释 * 教法典的法学家。

11、a Muslim place of worship.
* 教徒做礼拜的地方。

12、His grandfather was a Muslim cleric.
他祖父是一位 * 教士。

13、a pilgrimage to Mecca; every Muslim must make this journey at least once
到麦加朝拜;每个 * 教徒必须最少进行一次。

14、Muslim families also tend to have more children.
* 家庭喜欢生育更多的孩子。

15、Crescent is a sign of the Muslim religion
新月形是 * 教的象征。

16、a Jewish and Muslim religious rite performed on a male 8 days after birth;.
犹太人和 * 人为出生8天的男婴进行的仪式。

17、He spent time at a Muslim school in Indonesia
在印度尼西亚期间,奥巴马就读于一所 * 学校。

18、Family Formation and Some Issues in the Study of Modern Muslim Family
家族构成与近现代 * 家族研究的若干问题

19、Will the Muslim Brotherhood Prove to Be Egypt's Version of Ayatollah Khomeini?

20、Mohammed was the founder of the Muslim religion.
* 是 * 教的创始人。

21、Crescent is a sign of the Muslim religion.
新月形是 * 教的象征。

22、So, my Muslim son has become an infidel!
这麽说,我的 * 儿子成为了一个异教徒!

23、In Khuram Guru Nanak buried his Muslim friend.
古鲁纳纳克在胡拉姆埋葬了他的 * 朋友。

24、A case in point would be my personal experience as a Muslim woman

25、a member of a Muslim Turkic people of W Asia (especially in Kazakstan).
西亚(尤其是在哈萨克)的 * 土尔其语系民族的人。

26、a pilgrimage to Mecca; every Muslim must make this journey at least once.
到麦加朝拜;每个 * 教徒必须最少进行一次。

27、According to Muslim theology there is only one God.
按照 * 的宗教信仰, 神只有一个。

28、The Culture of Muslim Diet and the Muslim Catering Trade in Beijing

29、He embraced the Muslim religion when he went to live in the East.
他去东方居住时信奉 * 教。

30、a Muslim or Hindu mendicant monk who is regarded as a holy man
被尊为圣人的 * 教或印度教乞丐。


n. * 教, * 教教徒




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