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单词 r造句


1、Let R be an abelian ring, and A be an idempotent matrix over R.r>设R是一阿贝尔环(R的所有幂等元都在中心里),A是R上的一幂等阵。

2、Management of Fax Files With R 96 DFX Faxmodemr>用R96DFX FAXMODEM实现传真文件档案管理

3、R And let the circle have a radius r.r>这个圆环的半径是。

4、Congratulation, Iraq, u r the best !r>把最好的祝福献给伊拉克!

5、Constitution and Analysis of Second-order Active R Filter Circuitr>通用二阶有源R滤波器的构成与分析

6、Two percent of total sales is spent on R and D.r>总销售额的百分之二的花费在研究开发上。

7、The children"s house is nea. r Tom. "s…r>这些小孩的家靠近汤姆的家。

8、Effects of F I R Irradiation for pactinese S train ASP · 3 · 396r>远红外对果胶酶产生菌ASP·3·396的辐照效应

9、He r rejoicing voice is void of something avoidable.r>她感到高兴的声音缺少了可避免的事情。

10、This problem is planned to solve with further R & D in trial operation.r>对此,计划在先导性生产应用中进一步研发加以解决。

11、Mass Calculation of R Wound Corer>R型卷铁心的质量计算

12、Plus the potential energy, which is mg times R times one minus cosine theta.r>加上势能,也就是mg乘以R乘以,1/cosθ

13、R Vector Description of Photon Echor>光子回波的R矢量描述

14、R is for radiance. The radiance is eternal youth.r>代表“活力”。活力就是永恒的青春。

15、1 is principal,where R is a ? nite Artin local PIR.r>1 是一个主理想环,这里R是一个有限Artin局部主理想环.

16、R Coronae Borealis variabler>北冕座R型变星

17、R & D of Multiuser Electric Energy Acquisition Terminalr>多用户电能采集终端的研制

18、The final letter is very vague; possibly an R or a Kr>最后一个字母很不清楚, 可能是R, 也可能是K。

19、R & D of Complete Fittings for 1000kV UHV Transmission Liner>1000kV特高压输电线路配套金具研制

20、R emovability of the Topological Term in the 2+1 Dimensional CP ̄1 Modelr>2+1维CP~1模型拓扑项可移性研究

21、New Generation GSM R Project of Europe Wireless Communicationr>新一代欧洲铁路无线通信——GSM-R

22、Ou r first stop here, Qimu Island, will definitely attract you.r>我们的第一站屺姆岛就一定会吸引你。

23、Otis Redding, said: "I am not a blues singer, nor is R & B singer, but Saul Singer."r>奥蒂斯·雷丁(OtisRedding)说:“我不是布鲁斯歌手,也不是节奏布鲁斯歌手,而是索尔歌手。

24、R It has radius r, circular.r>圆形半径为。

25、The application of digital radio frequency memory for jamming r adarr>数字射频存储器在雷达干扰中的应用

26、Now you know which are the other colors of the cubies, they can be L, R or B.r>现在你就知道其他的颜色可能在左、右或后。

27、Winter spas are now the best choice for serious R & R.r>要想真正休息放松,冬季温泉是当下最佳的选择。

28、1 is principal,where R is a nite Artin local PIRr>1 是一个主理想环,这里R是一个有限Artin局部主理想环

29、Some Properties of Push back in Categories of F A R Modulesr>F_R~A-模范畴中束积的几个性质

30、R is for Rome, Rome was not built in a dayr>代表罗马,罗马伟业非一日建成。


【计】 半径, 比例, 读, 接收, 寄存器, 复位, 电阻, 程式




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