词语 | 既来之,则安之 |
释义 | 既来之,则安之拼音:jì lái zhī ,zé ān zhī 词典解释[since we are here,we may as well stay and make the best of it;now that we have come,let us stay and take the rough with the smooth;now you are here,you'd better stay;since this is so,it's better to accept it and enjoy it] 既已来此,那就随安于此 他果然既来之,则安之,我也只得因居之安,则资之深。——《儿女英雄传》 详细解释《论语·季氏》:“夫如是,故远人不服,则修文德以来之。既来之,则安之。”本指招徕远人,并加以安抚。后指已经来了,就应该安下心来。 元 吴昌龄 《张天师》第一折:“既来之,则安之。仙子请坐,容小生递一杯酒咱。”《醒世恒言·卖油郎独占花魁》:“ 瑶琴 既来之,则安之。” 沙汀 《代理县长》:“好好养你的病吧--既来之,则安之。” |
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